
Help for Your Bunions

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Help for Your Bunions

Bunions aren’t just a problem for grandma; anyone can develop one at any age. Women are much more likely to get bunions, largely because high-heeled, pointy-toed shoes contribute to their development.

High heels don’t cause bunions, but if you have a genetic propensity to develop one, they certainly don’t help. At Go Feet in Mays Landing, and Linwood, New Jersey, our expert team of podiatrists treat bunions with early interventions that can slow the progression of a big-toe bump.

If you need help for your bunions, contact the office for evaluation and treatment recommendations. Also, follow these tips.


Always choose shoes that minimize squeezing and pressure on the front of the foot. High heels and pointy toes force the big toe to push against your other toes. This causes the base of the big toe to jut out from your foot.

The shoes you choose, if you’re suffering from bunions, are ones with a generous toe box and a wide, flexible sole. Good options include athletic shoes, sandals, and varieties made from soft, pliable leather. Stick to heels no higher than an inch.


People who stand a lot for work are also susceptible to developing bunions. Nurses, restaurant servers, and those who work in retail should take care of their feet on and off the job. This means choosing supportive shoes for work and resting their feet when they can.


Being overweight increases pressure on your feet, including your big toe joint. Losing weight can help relieve pressure on your big toe joint, if you’re carrying extra pounds.


Wrapping your foot with athletic tape to keep your foot position aligned is one way to help ease bunion pain. We can help your technique.

Moleskin or a gel-filled pad, which are available over-the-counter at drugstores, may also protect your bunion from uncomfortable pressure and rubbing. At Go Feet, we also offer customized shoe inserts (orthotics) that can help position your foot correctly and alleviate pain. We may also offer a night splint to hold the toe straight.


If your bunion is swollen and inflamed, over-the-counter pain medications can help. You can also soak your foot in warm water or apply an ice pack to help ease discomfort


Physical therapy to resolve gait problems that may exacerbate bunions is an option. We can also offer ultrasound therapy to reduce inflammation at the site of the bunion and to alleviate discomfort in surrounding soft tissue.

Bunions that cause serious pain may benefit from cortisone injections that temporarily reduce inflammation. These injections aren’t a long-term solution, however.

Surgery is an option when bunions interfere with your quality of life, but it does involve pain and several weeks of disability. At Go Feet, we offer the latest surgical techniques available so that you get relief with minimal interference with your life.

Early intervention is critical when you notice a bunion developing. You can slow its progression and avoid serious pain. If you have questions about a bunion or other foot problems, consult the experts at Go Feet. Call one of the office locations to request an appointment, or book online.